Maple Steel Cut Oatmeal

This wonderful oatmeal is made with steel cut oats and maple syrup that I purchased at Bear Paw Scout Camp. While there, we also picked up some maple syrup lollipops. We served maple steel oatmeal with the lollipops for an extra special treat. If you’re a fan of maple syrup and steel cut oatmeal, this is the morning breakfast to get your day off right. Maple Steel Cut Oatmeal is my favorite way to eat my breakfast. Just add a cup of coffee and I’m off to start my day.

maple steel

Steel Cut Oatmeal

Irish oatmeal or steel cut oats is a hearty and thick oatmeal. Steel cut oats require longer cooking times vs old fashioned oatmeal. They’re also super good and good for you. If you haven’t made steel-cut oats before, what are you waiting for? Go out and pick up a box at your local grocery store or market. If you want to add an extra layer of yum to this already delicious oatmeal, stir in one shredded apple and a handful of chopped pecans.

 Maple Syrup

Canada, New York, and Vermont have long been known for their superior maple products, but in recent years Wisconsin has inched it’s way on to that list. The maple-tapping season, called “sugar season,” usually begins sometime around mid-February and can last anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks. The “sugarmakers” insert spouts into the maple trees and hang buckets from them to catch the sap.

Some maple syrup makers connect plastic tubing to the spout, running it from tree to tree. Eventually the sap goes directly to a large holding tank where it’s stored until ready to be processed. The sap is then taken to the “sugarhouse” where it’s boiled until evaporated to the desired degree. Quite simply, maple syrup is sap that is boiled until much of the water has evaporated and the sap is thick and syrupy. For a real maple syrup treat, make this delicious Canadian Maple Syrup Pie


Maple Steel-Cut Oatmeal

One of my favorite recipes for slow cooker oatmeal,


  • 2 1/2 cups steel-cut oats
  • 6 cups water
  • 2 cups almond milk
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup maple syrup
  • 1 cup dried cherries, optional
  • 1 shredded apple, optional
  • 1/3 cup chopped pecans, optional
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup raisins


  • Slow Cooker
  • Crock Pot


  • Spray the inside of your slow cooker with a non-stick cooking spray. Add all ingredients to the slow cooker and stir. Stir in any optional ingredients. Turn slow cooker to low and cook for 4 to 6 hours.
  • Note: Due to temperature variations, this time is not approximate. My oatmeal was done in less than 6 hours.
Made With

This recipe is made with Mc Cann’s Irish Steel Cut Oatmeal.  The maple syrup used in this recipe can be purchased at Bear Paw Scout Camp, where each March they tap there own trees and boil the sap down to make syrup on site. Their hours of operation are very limited, usually only in the early summer months, when the camp is full. In early March through April when they’re tapping trees, you can purchase syrup at the Trading Post.

Bear Paw Scout Camp
14000 Bear Paw Camp Lane
Mountain, WI 54149
(715) 276-6167


maple steel
maple steel

Did You Know? Although zucchini is most often served as a vegetable, it’s mild flavor has made it a popular “secret” ingredient in many cakes and sweet breads; it adds moisture and texture.