Taco Flavored Oyster Crackers
Taco Flavored Oyster Crackers
Taco flavored oyster crackers are not only delicious to snack on, they are perfect to float on top of tomato soup. I’ve made two different recipes for ‘flavored’ crackers in the past, one recipe used an envelope of dry Hidden Valley Ranch salad dressing mix and the second recipe called for using an envelope of Seven Seas Italian salad dressing mix. This recipe is basically the same recipe you would use for all flavored oyster cracker recipes; oyster crackers, vegetable oil, an envelope of dry seasoning mix and a few extra spices. Not an extremely difficult recipe concept, but delicious all the same.
Seasoning You Like
This recipe calls for using an envelope of taco seasoning mix. I believe I used Ortega. You can use whatever kind of seasoning mix you like. I usually stock up on seasoning envelopes and salad dressing mixes whenever I go to the grocery store. Never know when you might need a seasoning packet. It might be my personality type but I can’t go down the spice aisle without picking up a familiar or not-so-familiar spice, spice envelope or flavored extract.
Spice Aisle
Last week, when I was at the grocery store, standing in the spice aisle, staring in awe at all of the spices, my palms sweating, my head spinning from excitement, literally going into a spice induced coma, I saw a ‘New Limited Edition’ seasoning mix envelope by Mc Cormick. There was only one envelope left so I quickly grabbed it, threw it in my cart and hid it under the package of oreo cookies. I would have jumped over my shopping cart if need be to nab that envelope. At my age and weight, that would not have been a pretty sight, nope, not pretty at all.
Oops, I almost forgot to tell you the name of the seasoning mix. It was Mc Cormick New, Limited Edition, Slow Cookers Seasoning Mix, Chicken Noodle Soup. I haven’t decided what I’m going to make with this seasoning mix, besides the obvious, but I’ll think of something.
Set a bowl of these crackers out at your next party and watch how fast they disappear.

Taco Oyster Crackers
- 3 (10 oz) packages oyster crackers
- 3/4 cup vegetable oil
- 1 envelope taco seasoning
- 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
- 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
- Place the crackers in a large roasting pan; in a medium bowl, whisk together oil and seasonings. Pour over oyster crackers, toss to coat. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown, stirring once. Pour crackers out onto a large surface lined with waxed paper. Cool.
White Chocolate Candy Corn Fudge is the perfect fudge to enjoy during Autumn months.