Savory Onion Muffins
Savory Onion Muffins
This is one of those times as a food blogger that I am so thankful that I have a nice selection of recipes, like this recipe for Savory Onion Muffins, in draft form. With the recent tornado that went through northern Wisconsin, in particular where I live, I’m glad I have recipes stored in my draft folder so that I’m able to still post. We’ll be without power for several days, so for now we’re charging our phones in the car. Power lines are down in the area and a huge tree missed our house and cars within mere inches. There is a lot more damage throughout the area so things could be worse. Gotta look at the positives right? As soon as I’m able, I will post muffin pictures:)
Freezers Full
Two days before the big storm, we picked up half a pig. This was in addition too a half a cow we split with my daughter’s family in April. We have a big deep freezer that we like to keep full but this was an exception. We never have this much meat. So when the storm hit and we lost power, I immediately thought, “Oh shit, what are we going to do with all that meat if the power doesn’t come on.” Well, that thought became a reality. We’ve been without power for several hours before but when I woke up in the early morning and the power still hadn’t come back on, I knew we were in for a headache.
At 9:01 pm the power went out. By 9:01 am, twelve hours later it was time to start worrying. We don’t have a back up generator, the power was going to be out for several days, it was time to make a few calls. What we ended up doing was packing up all of the meat and bringing it to my son and daughter-in-laws house, her dads house and my husbands work. They live 2 1/2 hours away, one way, but we really didn’t have any other options. Nonetheless, we are so grateful for the freezer space we did find! My hubby works in the same city that my son and his wife live in, so as soon as the lights go back on in my area, he can bring home the bacon! Positive thinking!
Back to Muffins
At least six months ago, I found this recipe for savory onion muffins in a magazine I was paging through at the laundry mat. Every few months I like to take my bedding to the laundry mat. Having a king size bed, there really isn’t any other option. There is no way a king size comforter is going to fit in a standard size washing machine. Anyway, this recipe immediately caught my attention. It sound super delicious and easy but the only problem was it only made 2 muffins. I decided it could easily be doubled if not tripled so I tore it out of the magazine. When I got home, I quickly doubled the ingredients and realized I had everything I needed, so I got to mixing. Savory onion muffins are super delicious and are great served with soups, stews and chili or all by themselves.
Pictures and Comments
As I stated, as soon as I’m able, I’ll post pictures of these yummy savory onion muffins. Hopefully things will be back to normal by the end of the week. Also, I’m not able to answer any comments at this time but I’ll get to them as soon as I can. I’m still charging my phone in my car, so I can only get done what I can get done, so to speak. Don’t forget, the Little League World Series starts soon. I hope I have power by then! Hey, does anyone know how the Brewers are doing??
Side Note
This past weekend and into this next week has and will be been difficult, to say the least. For many of us, it could have been worse and for many, it has been. Everyone who lives up here is just trying to get through this disaster. And, it is a disaster. The saddest part for me though, is the fact that not one of my sisters, (I have 3) nor my brother or my sister-in-law nor anyone else in my “family” has bothered to call to see if we’re alright. What’s even sadder, my daughter and (step) daughter haven’t called either. Am I mad? No. Am I bitter? No. But I am disappointed.
Savory Onion Muffins
- 2/3 cups chopped onion plus 1/4 teaspoon paprika
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 1 1/2 cups biscuit/baking mix
- 2 tablespoons poppy seeds
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1/2 cup sour cream and 1 beaten egg
- 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper, or to taste
- In a small skillet, sauté onion and paprika in butter until tender; set aside.
- In a medium bowl, combine biscuit mix and poppy seeds. In another bowl, combine milk and egg. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened.
- Coat muffin cups with cooking spray; fill three-fourths full with batter. Combine the 1/2 cup sour cream, beaten egg, salt and pepper.
- Spoon onion mixture over the muffin batter; spread with sour cream mixture.
- Bake at 400 degrees for 18-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes before removing from pan. Serve warm.
Bisquick makes a variety of different recipes. Everything from muffins to pie. Cinnamon Raisin Biscuits, Sweet Berry Muffins, Mini Cheddar Loaves and Impossible Coconut Pie. Recent Recipe: Beet Orange Salad
This recipe calls for Bisquick