Mummy Wafer Cookies

Looking for a fast and fun Halloween treat? Then look no further. Mummy Wafer Cookies are as easy as 1-2-3.  All you need to make these cute, fun cookies is: sugar wafer cookies, vanilla frosting and a package of candy eyeballs. For under $6.00 you will be able to make a lot of cookies, plenty for a classroom full of kids. Mummy Wafer Cookies are best made and eaten the same day.


Sugar Wafer Cookies

To make these fun cookies, we purchased three packages of sugar wafer cookies by Bauducco  One package of vanilla, one of chocolate and one package strawberry. Each package contains quite a few cookies. You can make all one kind of cookies or do as we did, make 6 mummy cookies per flavor and ate the remaining cookies. We purchased the cookies at the $1.00 store for $1.00 per package, which means that these mummy cookies were not only a breeze to make but they were about as inexpensive as can be.

Candy Eyeballs

Mummy wafer cookies are made with candy eyeballs. We purchased our eyeballs at the  Bulk Priced Food Shoppe in Greenville WI. You can find just about anything you need in this bulk food shoppe. I went there more often when I lived in the Fox Valley Area but my daughter and I still visit whenever we get a chance. There is also a super bulk food store near Antigo WI that we love to frequent whenever possible. Prairie Pines Bulk Foods.

Mummy Wafer Cookies

Cute and Delicious


  • 1 package vanilla sugar wafer cookies
  • 1 package strawberry sugar wafer cookies
  • 1 package chocolate sugar wafer cookies
  • 2 16 oz containers vanilla frosting
  • 1 package candy eyeballs


  • Lay sugar wafer cookies on wire rack set over wax paper. Set aside.
  • Transfer one container vanilla frosting to a small microwave safe bowl.
  • Microwave frosting for 25 seconds on high, stir.
  • Microwave an additional 20 seconds, if necessary. Stir.
  • Spoon frosting over sugar wafer cookies, allowing excess frosting to drip onto wax paper.
  • Immediately place two candy eyeballs at the top of each sugar wafer cookie.
  • Allow frosting to harden for one hour or until set.
  • Transfer second container of frosting to a small microwave safe bowl.
  • Microwave frosting for 25 seconds on high, stir.
  • Microwave an additional 20 seconds, if necessary. Stir.
  • Drizzle frosting, in a back and forth motion over frosted wafer cookies to make bandages.
  • Set aside for at least an hour to allow frosting to harden.
  • *May not need both containers of frosting**Cookies are best eaten the same day as made*


Cookie Jar:

Here at Turnips 2 Tangerines it’s a well known fact the we love cookies. Here are some of our favorites: Danish Lemon Filled Spice CookiesCherry Delight Cookies and Old Fashioned Molasses Cookies.