Kitchen Tip: How to Cut Corn Off the Cob

This week-end we stopped at our favorite farm stand and picked up some corn on the cob. Here in Northern Wisconsin, the corn season is later than usual, due to the cooler temperatures that we experienced in the spring and throughout the summer. Even with the cooler temperatures, we were able to pick up several dozen of corn. Corn-on-the-Cob is the perfect ending to summer. Don’t forget to pick up an extra dozen or two of fresh corn and use our Kitchen Tip: How to Cut Corn Off the Cob.

kitchen tip

 Cutting Corn Off the Cob

Cutting corn off the cob is really very easy and a great way to preserve fresh corn for the up coming winter months. Each year for our Thanksgiving meal, I like to serve fresh/frozen corn lightly seasoned with salt, a few grinds of black pepper and a big tablespoon or two of butter. The flavor of fresh/frozen corn is exceptional and nothing compares to it. The hardest part about cutting corn off the cob is shucking and removing the silk threads before hand. (the perfect job for kids and grand-kids:)

kitchen tip
Kitchen Tip: How to Cut Corn Off the Cob



  • 12 (dozen)
    ears of corn
  • ziplock
    freezer baggies

Cooking Directions

  1. Place 1 ear of corn at a time in a shallow glass dish or pan.
  2. Holding the ear of corn at an angle, use a sharp knife to cut across the tips of the kernels, cut in a sawing motion. Holding the knife against the cob as you go, working from the top down.
  3. (Scrape the empty ear with the dull side of the knife to release the milky juices into the dish or pan, optional.) Measure corn and place in freezer baggies. Date baggie and place corn in the freezer until needed.


kitchen tip
kitchen tip
Here is another Kitchen Tip. How to Make Green Onion Garnishes.

Glad Food Storage Bags are our baggies of choice for freezing food.